Grass&Gravel Times
Wednesday, December 10, 2003

The following poem was published by my friends on Poet's Online . It is one of my favorite online poetry sites.

In the version below, I have added the syllable count to the lines to help you identify the Fibonacci Series (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89...) embedded in the poem. Hint: the title (1) has 5 syllables and the (1) epigram 8;8 and together, 5+8+8=21. By using lines and syllables and symmetries you will find each of the first 11 numbers in the Fibonacci Series. Another hint: 5 lines on each side.

The Time of Your Life

life is more than just consumption; consummation is more than time

4 Don’t you reject
9 consumption trying to be real life?

You don’t reject 4
real life that is a consummation! 9

8 In malls, measure value—no price—
5 the time we squander
8 shopping is garbage we throw out.

Price—no value measure—in life, 8
the time we consume 5
musing is treasure we grow in. 8

Part of the inspiration for this poem was the work of MC Escher's Day and Night . I present it with Day and Night as a watermark to elucidate the relationships. Copy it into a wordprocesser and try it yourself. Send me an email if you have trouble getting it to work.

Friday, December 05, 2003
The development of the Golden Spiral in poetic form and graphic imagery is my current project. I suggest you visit the Museum of Harmony and the Golden Section and explore with me.

If you want to go further, visit my main blog site where Brigid details a list of adventure sources.

Here is a test of image recruitment and placement from the Museum.

Golden Rectangle

The Grass&Gravel Times is all about how mindful bicycle riding on grass and gravel creates a poetic vision. We will keep track of new developments at the, Northern Great Plains Poetry Message Deconstruction Zone where the words, spatial presentation, phraseology and margins are tested and presented in the context of cycling-mind-space explorations of the Dakota Denizens. Contact me by email

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